Boosting the internationalization for circularity in the building environment

European Strategic Cluster Partnership
This initiative aims to intensify the collaboration of the European construction and building related industry clusters across borders and to establish the European Strategic Cluster Partnership. The European Cluster Partnerships for Going International aim to develop and implement joint internationalisation strategies to support SME internationalisation towards third countries. The ICBUILD Consortium supports the internationalization of complex circular solutions integrated in construction value chains and identified five third countries beyond Europe to be target in the next three years by the project activities: Canada, India, Mexico, United Arab Emirates and Brazil. The clusters of the consortium and the target SMEs are active in the following sectors: construction, building system and utilities, ICT, Bio sector, Eco-innovation, Sustainable building.

Year of Experience

Project partners
Project objectives
- Develop a specific, comprehensive and long-term market-driven ICBUILD joint internationalization strategy for the reciprocal actual benefit of partner clusters and their SMEs while approaching third countries markets;
- Strengthen the role of ICBUILD partner clusters as drivers for member companies’ internationalization, and as tools for stimulating the post-pandemic business rebound and increasing their national and regional business attractiveness.
- Support the ICBUILD affiliated SMEs to take a proactive approach and think beyond the immediate effect in realizing the go-to-market processes, making them more strategic in foreign markets deployment applying entry modes other than exporting.
- Highpoint the vital role of cooperative alliances in internationalization strategy and to develop long-lasting International Collaborative Innovation Partnerships with foreign and European stakeholders to ease companies’ participation in global value chains.